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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

1. Conditions for submission

Online registration: the author must apply and  register on the OJS platform, available through the Suffragium portal ( This registration can be accessed by choosing the AUTHOR option. Any questions or concerns can be answered through the email.

Institutional Affiliation: All authors must include a link to their respective institutional affiliation in their biography. This link should sufficiently serve as a professional identifier by providing the governmental department, university position, research group or firm that establishes the author’s standing in the legal or political community. City, state and country should also be identified. The author’s educational background must be disclosed and include the highest degree obtained.

Copyright: All rights are reserved by the Regional Electoral Court of Ceará. Reproduction of any article published in Suffragium is permissible provided that the original source material is referenced in the secondary publication.  Publications in Suffragium are granted a Creative Commons Attribution license. This license allows publication on any medium if the following conditions are met: any changes must be noted, the original publication is linked, and the author must refrain from commercial use of the published work. Furthermore, the views and opinions expressed in Suffragium magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official policy or position of the Editorial Board of Suffragium, nor do they reflect the official policy or position of the Regional Electoral Court of  Ceará. Authors retain the copyright and grant Suffragium the right to publish first. The Journal encourages authors to publish and distribute their articles online to ensure maximum exposure of each published work.

Grammar and Syntax revision: Suffragium recommends seeking out a professional editor prior to submitting an article to the editorial board. This professional review ensures grammatical, syntax and language use issues can be resolved prior to the evaluation of the article’s merit for publication. 

Confidentiality guarantee: Remember to remove all properties that identify the author prior to submission including Microsoft Word indicators of authorship.

2. The publishing process

All works submitted must be between 15- 25 pages and be original previously unpublished works.

Papers must be submitted in Word 97 format or a more recent edition of Word (DOC standard).

The full text, including tables, illustrations and bibliographic references, must comply with the rules of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) and follow the instructions below:


All titles must be submitted in Portuguese, English, and the original language if applicable. The title in Portuguese must be in bold, centered and uppercase. The title in English and / or in the original language of the text must be below the title in Portuguese in italics, centered, and uppercase,

Abstract and keywords must be submitted in Portuguese and English (and/or in the original language of the article). Each abstract must contain a maximum of 300 words, and abbreviations should be avoided. The abstract in a foreign language must be a faithfully translated from the abstract in Portuguese- as well as the keywords in a foreign language. At the end of each abstract there must be 03 to 05 descriptors or keywords for indexing that are separated by semicolons.

The article layout must follow the requirements of a scientific work and contain  an introduction section, development section, conclusion section and a reference page.

References, aligned to the left;

Attachments (optional).



Leading sentence?: 1.5
between paragraphs: 0 pts
between title and text: one line (one enter)
between the footnotes: 1.0
long quote: 1.0
between the same reference: 1.0
between one reference and another: 6 points 
between text and a long quote: 6 pts

Start each paragraph at the 1.0 cm mark on the Word ruler.

Long quotation marks (more than 3 lines) should be formatted and indented to the 4.0 cm mark on the Word ruler.

Font Style:  Times New Roman

Font Size: 10 point for the Summary, 12 point for the text, 10 point for a long quote, and 10 point for a footnote.


Heading: 14 point Upper case without boldface;

Sub-Heading: 12 point Uppercase  bold

Additional Subheading: 12 point Uppercase with italics

Further Additional Subheading:  12 Uppercase, normal.


Font size 12 (emphasis on titles of works in bold).


left: 3.0 cm;
right: 2.0 cm;
upper: 3.0 cm;
bottom: 2.0 cm.

Other important information concerning the body of the article:

  1. Introduction: Requires the objective of the article and an explanation of why the research and/or theme is relevant.
  2. Development: Requires discussion and/or analysis the theories presented, while citing adequate peer-reviewed sources that focus on the relevant issue.
  3. Conclusion: Requires a concise resolution of the issue/theory discussed. Please avoid reciting repetitive arguments already discussed in detail in earlier sections
  4. References: A list of works and research sources should be cited in the article according to ABNT - NBR 6023/2002.
  5. Articles and other forms of production are required to be unpublished, 15-25 pages long and written in Portuguese, English or Spanish.
  6. References to direct and/or indirect citations must be made in the text itself using the author-data system.


ISSN: 2595-5756


Publish the presentation of articles and editors' notes


The purpose of the magazine is to publish original and unpublished scientific works authored or coauthored by doctoral professors every six months, linked to the areas of concentration of Electoral Law and Political Science. Each published article will be authored by a maximum of two researchers, among whom, at least one of them must necessarily have the academic title of professor doctor.
The submission of works occurs free of charge, through a continuous flow and the publishing process uses the Electronic Publishing System (OJS) customized by the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT).
The author's registration must be done through the OJS platform by accessing the Suffragium magazine portal (
It is recommended that the text be submitted to a professional reviewer for the proper use of the language before submission.
Any authorship identification must be removed from the body of the article and from the Word properties option before the submission is made, in order to guarantee the confidentiality of the evaluations.
The articles received will undergo a prior evaluation, which is promoted by the assistant editors, in order to verify their suitability for the journal's editorial line. Afterwards, they will be sent to two anonymous referees for qualitative evaluation, following the double blind peer review system. The deadline for preparing the opinion is 15 to 25 days.
After the opinion is concluded, it will be forwarded to the author of the article for the sake of mere science or to carry out the suggested modifications.
Articles and other forms of production must be unpublished and contain between 15 and 25 pages.
Papers must be submitted in Word 97 or higher (DOC standard).
The full text, including tables, illustrations and bibliographic references, must comply with the standards of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT).

Citations must be made in the body of the text, leaving the footnote for explanatory notes only.

Privacy Statement

Os nomes e endereços informados nesta Revista serão utilizados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para quaisquer outras finalidades ou a terceiros.